Monday, February 15, 2010

Imperialism and the White Man's Burden

Learning civilized ways is hard work

A political cartoonist attempts to make a statement about serious issues and or events occurring throughout the world.

When analyzing a political cartoon there are things you should look at to get a better idea of what is going on:
1. Activities
2. Symbols
3. People (Nationalities, groups)
4. Expressions (Body Language)
5. Words

Examine the political cartoon above and try listing some or all of these 5 aspects. What view point does the cartoonist have about the Imperialism? Is it positive or negative and why?


  1. What i could say about this picture is that there is 2 slaves who is carrying a Egypt guy and the slaves Look tired and sad because they are thinking why do we have to do this when we could at least be doing something. But the Egypt guy is just relaxing and he looks happy because hes being carried and he doesn't have to carry nobody just his hat and his whip around Him.

  2. 5 aspects of this are a white person ordering a Chinese person and another person to reel him on his wagon or cartage of some kind while they have no say it in whatsoever it is also negative by imperialism the people who are getting imperialised have no say in it at all.

  3. the cartoonisthas a negative point of view on imperialism because he draws mysery on they faces

